Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Natural Disasters Covering PTSD and Survivor Syndrome

Essay on Natural Disasters Covering PTSD and Survivor Syndrome Essay on Natural Disasters Covering PTSD and Survivor Syndrome The survivor syndrome, or as it is sometimes called the survivor guilt, is a psychological disorder which first was discovered in in 1960s during the examination of Holocaust victims. Recently it has been changed from a separate independent diagnosis to a symptom of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It usually appears after a person goes through a very stressful experience like a terrorist attack, war, or natural disaster. The most vivid symptoms of this mental condition are depression, sleep pattern disruptions, nightmares, anxiety, physical weakness, etc. Why is studying this particular psychological disorder important? Just in 2017 there were massive floods in China (144 people killed) and Peru (150 people killed), an earthquake in Mexico (225 people killed), wildfires in California (40 people killed), hurricanes Irma and Harvey, naming just the biggest natural disasters. This topic will always be of great interest because we never know which catastrophe will happen tomorrow, and we must always be ready to handle the consequences and victims properly. That’s why writing an essay on natural disasters covering PTSD and survivor guilt is significant not only for your academic success, but for the whole field of psychological studies in general. Moreover, it’s essential to use the most up-to-date research findings and data. But don’t worry about that – we’ve got it covered here. 1. Comparison of Simulated Treatment and Cost-effectiveness of a Stepped Care Case-Finding Intervention vs Usual Care for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After a Natural Disaster Year: 2017 Link: This work regards stepped care in terms of helping people with PTSD caused by natural disasters. It proves the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of SC in comparison with other types of cares. 2. Optimizing Clinical Thresholds for PTSD: Extending the DSM-5 Preschool Criteria to School-Age Children Year: 2017 Link: La Greca, the author of the study, reveals how it is possible to promptly notice children influenced by the natural disasters who have symptoms of PTSD. 3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following Disasters: a Systematic Review Year: 2007 Link: The researches investigate how different types of disasters (natural, technological, human-made, etc.) can cause different types of PTSD. This is an extensive study that covers the timeframe from 1980 till 2007. 4. Incidence and Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Population Affected by a Severe Flood Year: 2016 Link: The research studies the most problematic outcomes of PTSD that appear after floods in areas prone to severe rainfalls in order to minimize them in the future and quickly improve public health after natural disasters. 5. Longitudinal Course of Disaster-Related PTSD among a Prospective Sample of Adult Chilean Natural Disaster Survivors Year: 2017 Link: Here you can find out whether psychiatric disorders that already exist can impact the PTSD after a natural disaster. The study was conducted on the basis of 6 European countries and Chile over the period of 2001-2010. Use these research information in order to write a proficient essay on natural disasters. They will add up more weight to your words and make your statements more powerful. So, start writing right now!

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